To provide a safe haven, services, and support for victims of domestic violence from Trinidad, Tobago and other Caribbean islands.
“A life without violence is the only the life to live.”

JANUARY 23, 2015
Marcia Henville, 51, the host of TV6’s Point Blank in Trinidad, was killed on the morning of January 23, 2015 at her home in St Augustine.
She was stabbed several times all over her body and the bedroom of the town home was set on fire.
Her husband, Sheldon Henville was charged with the crime and is awaiting trial.
JANUARY 29, 2017
Jamilia DeRevenaux, 27, was at her workplace on January 29, 2017 when she was called outside to collect her vehicle.
After having a conversation with the driver, DeRevenaux got out from the vehicle and was grabbed from behind as she was walking away. Her throat was slit by her attacker.
Her boyfriend, Matthew King surrendered to police and appeared before the courts.

FEBRUARY 11, 2017
15 year old murder victim Abiela Adams, a promising young soccer star on the T & T team was killed when her throat was slashed by a broken bottle.
The coroner indicated that Ms. Adams was repeatedly stabbed with a broken bottle to the neck. Her windpipe was cut, with the first strike puncturing the skin. She was attacked from the front and came face to face with her attacker. She was attacked suddenly and unexpectedly, and did not have the chance to use her hands as a defence.
Her boyfriend Kareem Phillip, 20 was charged with her murder in 2018.
A Message from Dr. Roz Roach, Founder of Women’s Lives Matter 2:
Dear Friends:
I have been in the business of defending, supporting and providing healing to survivors of violence for over 30 years. I have seen so many traumatized women and children cross my path. Each one of them have experienced and/or witnessed some form of abuse and they have each demonstrated the negative impact violence can have on their emotional, physical and psychological well being.
Where I feel a desperate need is with my sisters in the Caribbean who are being murdered, raped, and violently assaulted on a daily basis. They are crying out for help and have been for many decades. The issue surrounding domestic violence has been persistent and growing. There is a lack of resources for domestic violence victims in the Caribbean and I am determined to assist women who are in a state of crisis as a result of experiencing abuse.
It is vitally important to recognize that this is a global issue that crosses all cultures, race, genders and boundaries. It is all of our responsibilities to make a difference and use our voices and resources to intervene and help eradicate violence. I know that if the cycle of violence is not stopped, the perpetrators will keep perpetrating and the victims will stay traumatized. I believe that without treatment, intervention and proper supports in place, women will continue to die at an alarming rate.
I feel it is our obligation as leaders, and as members of society to care for, support and to help these women to break free from their violent experiences and progress towards peaceful and productive lives.
I need your help to begin and continue this crucial work. Remember that a life without violence is the ONLY life to live.
~Dr. Roz Roach
For all inquiries please call (416) – 264 – 0823 ext. 238. Click here to read the official Press Release. View the organizational chart here.