Missed You At the Hike!

Missed You At the Hike! July 5, 2021

Yes, it was fun! It was a learning, bonding, spiritual and challenging experience for all who participated at the Hiking For Healing event to raise funds for Dr. Roz’s Healing Place. Dr. Roz’s Healing Place is a centre for abused women and children with a mandate to eradicate violence locally, nationally and globally.

The journey took off at 9am and we sat down for lunch after 3pm on June 26, 2021.
The weather was welcoming .
The group was small but tight and felt like we were siblings of the same family.
The experience was one of storytelling, cross learning and fun sharing .
Thanks to all who took the time to be a part of this worthy cause while familiarizing themselves with another way of being.
Thanks to the sponsors and donors who did not attend but sponsored the family of siblings……the hikers.
Thanks to Cecil, my husband, partner and best friend for exciting the appetite of the participants with his home cooked pelau.
Thanks to Mother Nature for gifting us with weather that kept us all feeling comfortable and engulfing the refreshing water that contributed to the healing.
We missed you at the hike but I trust that we will see you next year!